Here is the trick to running, I learned from the movie (Run Fatboy Run)
Gordon: Go on then, run!
Dennis: Isn't there some kind of like... special technique?
Gordon: Well... yeah... you put one leg in front of the other over and over again really really fast.
Here is a pic (photo-shop-ed) of fatboyslim applying this "technique" at Shamrock Shuffle.
I also registered for Chase Corporate Challenge, today. BTW, whats the deal with these "heavy" registration fees. How much money are these companies making (raising)? Shamrock Shuffle had approximately 30,000 registered runners, registration fee was $30, so they approximately made (raised) around a Million Washingtons. Since this event was "sponsored" by so many big companies, why do they need so much money from poor runners? Just curious. Still running is the cheapest sport, so I am OK with it . Also, the organization of event was superb, so cant complain too much. I wanna do the bike the drive thing on May 25th, but that one is even more expensive $40 dollar registration. Let me balance my checkbook and see if I can cough up that much.
Hey Akash, I hear you about the hefty registration fees for all these races. Abt the bike the drive thing, you can just show up and bike without signing up. of course, you'll miss out on the t-shirt..not sure if you can handle that:-)
Thanks Milind...Great Idea...!! Lemme know if you wanna do bike the drive thing too
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