Running has a Superhero - Dashiell 'Dash' Parr. Dash is my favorite "incredible" character, after Jack-Jack 'attack'. He is kinda like me , super hero trying NOT to show off (see the turtle in Nike+ profile on your right ;) ), in order to fit into society. HaHa...just kididng..
The links that I promised are at the end of this post.
Helen: Dash... this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office. We need to find a better outlet. A more... constructive outlet.
Dash: Maybe I could, if you'd let me go out for sports.
Helen: Honey, you know why we can't do that.
Dash: But I promise I'll slow up. I'll only be the best by a tiny bit.
Helen: Dashiell Robert Parr, you are an incredibly competitive boy, and a bit of a show-off. The last thing you need is temptation.
Dash: You always say 'Do your best', but you don't really mean it. Why can't I do the best that I can do?
Helen: Right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we gotta be like everyone else.
Dash: But Dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of, our powers made us special.
Helen: Everyone's special, Dash.
Dash: [
muttering] Which is another way of saying no one is.
So now that you know I am special ( ;) like everyone else), I have used my super awesome powers to conjure up all the online resources for runners, that I found while crawling the web.
Here is the list for novice runners like me
Running Portals
Most of following websites are pretty comprehensive, they allow you to plan your training, keep a log, join training schedules, join online challenges, good articles,blogs on running,nutrition and injury. Best of all, they are free.
1. Logyourrun
http://logyourrun.com/ This one allows you to post your log on website ( like the one I have on my sidebar).
2. Runners Lounge
http://runnerslounge.com/This one is very famous too. I like the inspirational stories section.
Both of the websites above, though they have good content, I personally dont like the layout, its pretty cramped up, with advertisements right in the middle of the page, or too flashy links.
One cool website with good layout is following
3. Runners World
http://www.runnersworld.com/This is the official website of Runners World magazine. If your into latest running shoes,gear, watches and other electronics, this is the place to check them out and read reviews. They have pretty cool tools too, for example, if you have a gps watch or gps enabled phone, you can sync it with your training log at this website. Another cool feature of this website that I liked was the injury section. They have an interactive tool where you just click on the body part that hurts and it tells you the problem and gives preliminary advice.
http://www.runnersworld.com/runnersbody/tool.htmlChicago-specific websites1. Chicago Athlete
http://www.chicagoaa.com/I read print edition of this magazine almost every month. They have some great local inspirational stories. I would also recommend it for local events calander, probably the best source of event information on biking,swimming and running in Chicagoland. Also you can find links to local shoe stores and sports medicine /physiotherapist locations. (may be some cool coupons also).
Side note: Also, I can't emphasize how important getting the right shoe is. Get yourself fitted by a local running shoe store. Once you know what shoe is best for you, then you can look for deals and stuff online or buy it from Dicks or Soprts Authority. But first time runners, go get your self fitted.
2. Chicago Area Running Association
http://www.cararuns.org/Another great resource for local events, running specific (as compared to previous website). Very nice layout , easy to navigate and good advice on injuries.
Some other cool links:-
1. Map my run
http://www.mapmyrun.com/Great website for weekday runs. Just go and put your zip code and it comes up with a list of various routes based on miles. Also allows to port your routes to your blogs and websites.
2. Athlinks
http://athlinks.com/ This one has race results from all over the place.
Last but the best, my new favorite
3 Nike Plus
http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/This one has probably one of the interface ever. This one is mainly about logging your runs and tracking your goals. Its free to sign up but to really use it you need the nike+ipod sports kit ($29). If you don't have iPod or don't like to to listen to music while running you can buy the new Nike+ wristband ($59). They have cool widgets for your blog(like the ones on the sidebar on this page) and desktop.
If all your running buddies have either nike+ipod or nike+ wristband you can challenge them for a run even half way across the globe. The also have a map your run feature.
Please add any comments you may have on these links or add new links in the comments section.
peace out !!!!
Two links from Milind
Finding the right running shoe:
Where to find them: