Just to make it clear, its only blogging that I have put on back burner not running. I have tried to be very regular in the training. Since last time I put a post I have
1. Logged 67 training miles, ran longest distance till now in this training (7 miles) and ran late night for the first time.
2. Ran Chase Corporate Challenge, Chicago (3.5 miles, 31mins)
3. Attended CARA's superclinic for novice runners (See details in the end, official training begins June 9th, 2008).
4. Joined Chicago GSB Running Club.
5. Got 3 free running t-shirts ;)
6. Created a Nike+ mini.. click here to check it out...like all Nike+ stuff, its awesome.
7. Last but not the least, finally registered for 2008 Chicago Distance Classic, Half Marathon.
So, now have two humongous tasks ahead of me, training for half Marathon and raising funds for the four education projects in India.
For the training, I have put the training plan recommended by CARA on Nike plus website, to hopefully keep me on track. Here is a brief overview of first few weeks.

For the fund raising, I plan to set up a web page on ASHA's runners website and send out a request to all my friends to help me in this noble cause.
Time to head out for a run...ciao
( A small account of Superclinic:- It was a three hour series of talks by professionals. It started with a coach from Nike/BOA who lined out the details of BOA 2008 Chicago Marathon and some race day dos and don'ts. It was followed by a brief description of race gear and shoes by Fleet Feet. Right after that professionals from NOVA care demonstrated proper stretching techniques. A sports medicine doctor and a nutritionist gave tips on injuries and proper eating habits. Finally, Hal Higdon, the guy who designed probably the most famous marathon training program, showed up to talk briefly about importance of training program and to take questions from first time runners)