Its been a long time since I posted on this blog. So here is a little update. Just to make it clear, its only blogging that I have put on back burner not running. I have tried to be very regular in the training. Since last time I put a post I have 1. Logged 67 training miles, ran longest distance till now in this training (7 miles) and ran late night for the first time. 2. Ran Chase Corporate Challenge, Chicago (3.5 miles, 31mins) 3. Attended CARA's superclinic for novice runners (See details in the end, official training begins June 9th, 2008). 4. Joined Chicago GSB Running Club. 5. Got 3 free running t-shirts ;) 6. Created a Nike+ mini.. click here to check it all Nike+ stuff, its awesome. 7. Last but not the least, finally registered for 2008 Chicago Distance Classic, Half Marathon.
So, now have two humongous tasks ahead of me, training for half Marathon and raising funds for the four education projects in India.
For the training, I have put the training plan recommended by CARA on Nike plus website, to hopefully keep me on track. Here is a brief overview of first few weeks.
For the fund raising, I plan to set up a web page on ASHA's runners website and send out a request to all my friends to help me in this noble cause.
Time to head out for a run...ciao - DFG ( A small account of Superclinic:- It was a three hour series of talks by professionals. It started with a coach from Nike/BOA who lined out the details of BOA 2008 Chicago Marathon and some race day dos and don'ts. It was followed by a brief description of race gear and shoes by Fleet Feet. Right after that professionals from NOVA care demonstrated proper stretching techniques. A sports medicine doctor and a nutritionist gave tips on injuries and proper eating habits. Finally, Hal Higdon, the guy who designed probably the most famous marathon training program, showed up to talk briefly about importance of training program and to take questions from first time runners)
The best things in the world are free, may be thats why I love free shit. Come on, I am not the only one here, I know half of you went to career fairs in school, not to get a job, but to get all that free stuff, pens, clips, and oh yeah T-Shirts and some of you still wear those t-shirts in the gym ( you know who you are). Alright, so now imagine the best day in a free loaders life. You can see it involves free booze, food and t-shirts (and some raffle prize, for you lucky ones).
This last Thursday, I lived the day we just defined. I signed up for Club Runchi, its Nike's Chicago running club. They have a run every Thursday at 6:15 starting at Niketown. This Thrsday was special, because the runners were headed to a secret location. I took a cab to Niketown, because it was raining a bit. I reached there, signed a waiver and got my free Nike Tech T-Shirt. We split up in to different pace groups and started running towards the secret location. The run began at Michigan Ave and Erie and was headed towards museum campus. Half way through the run, it started pouring, now everyone was drenched from head to toe. As we approached Shedd Aquarium, we saw the finish line. Nike had recreated the marathon finish line experience. There were volunteers cheering for us with their bells. There were time displays on the finish line. They also had free Gatorade and water. The run culminated in a nike tent, that had free food (sushi, sandwiches, fruits, veggies, rolls, bread, etc), free booze (beer and wine). Nike marketing team talked about their support and sponsorship plans for Chicago Marathon and Chicago runners. They announced 10 winners of a raffle who got free registration for the marathon. Two-time Olympian and Chicago Marathon vet Abdi Abdirahman was there to talk about his story and to take questions from runners. Since everyone was wet from the rain, Nike passed out free dry Chi-Town tees and gave us a free ride back to the Nike town.
Count the word free in boldface in the last paragraph, does it get better than this for a freeloader? I know you are thinking why were you not there? Anyways, its still not too late. Club Runchi is going to have two such runs on the north side (Monday 4/28 Fleet Feet, Tuesday 4/29 at Running Away, you can call 312-642-6363). Also Nike is starting free marathon training program starting on June 1 ( multiple locations across Chi-Town).
Updates since last post Training : a)Over trained (too much weights and bhangra) and injured myself. So just had two short runs (total 5.75 miles ) in last 10 days.
b)Today, I ran 5k with ASHA group at Lakeshore and Monroe Location, Beautiful view of city and lake from Shedd Aquarium always amaze me. (check out the aerial view of the running path,we take)
c) Good weather is back, and so is my bike. So hopefully it will serve as fun means of x-training.
d) Crossed the 40 mile mark for miles ran since Shamrock and completed 10 runs since Shamrock.
Earth Week: Given my injury, was using too much ice so switched from ice to gel based reusable cold pack ;)
Monday Event Details Address : Fleet Feet Sports- Piper Alley 1620 N. Wells St. Chicago, IL 60614 312.587.3338
Discounted parking is available for $2 for the first hour in the Pipers's Alley garage (with validation).
CTA Brown line Sedwick stop is just two blocks west of the store.
Time: 6:00 PM- 8:00PM
Description: Always wanted to be the best of the best -- or at the very least, wonder how they do it? Find out what makes Meb Keflezighi tick at this very special event, presented by Nike and Fleet Feet Sports.
Fuel your passion for running with special guest Meb Keflezighi, 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist and American Record Holder.
Participate in new Nike product demonstrations and raffles and join a 3, 5 or 7 mile training run.
Tuesday Event Details:
Joan Benoit Samuelson
Tue Apr 29 6pm – Tue Apr 29 8pm
1634 West North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622 | Phone 773.395.2929 map
Women's Night Come meet olympic gold medalist Joan Benoit Samuelson. Then let's go for a run!
More free stuff this week, Monday :- Free Redbox rental :- R7234H Tuesday:- Free Southern style chicken sandwich with purchase of Mickey D sweet tea ($1) all day long at McD Wednesday :- 31Cents Scoop Night at Baskin Robins (OK almost free)
This afternoon I watched a documentary on WTTWD 11 called Marathon Challenge. Its about 13 first time marathon runners preparing for Boston Marathon. I found it to be very informative and moving. I checked out its web page on and found lots of great information and stories. I am embedding link to it in the pic. Also, check out local listing for it. Watch it if you get a chance. - DFG
People ask questions (specially Jackie). Questions like, why run ? Is it even a sport? I don't get it, how do you win, is it a race? All these questions about long distance running have made be think, what's running about? Specially since I have been into competitive sport like Basketball, where its clearly defined,what role will you play, how much time you get, who you have to beat,etc etc.
Since running is new to me, I am thinking where are all these elements in this sport? I know that may be 500-1000 people in a marathon compete to "win", but whats the motivation for all the other 44000. Just as tennis, racket ball,etc increase your reflexes, decrease response time, make you think without thinking. Just as Basketball teaches you to be a team player (its debatable), to believe in strategy and execution, etc. Long distance running is about all the things I have listed below
Its about building endurance. Its about setting a goal, and training for it religiously. It about thinking pain is normal. Its about believing that you can do it, no matter how far fetched the dream is (26.2 miles). Its about personal best. Its about becoming incrementally better. Its about sense of victory that comes from doing something you haven't done before (miles,minutes,route,etc) and not by defeating others. Its one thing in life where you don't think in terms of "can I pull it off?', rather you think in terms of I will make it happen. Its about enjoying the journey (training) as much as you plan to enjoy the destination (race day finish line). Its about building character. Its about training for something you will do in 12-18 weeks, and not tomorrow.
There, I said it. So go Pistons!!! go Bears!! go Tigers!!! go ME!!!!
Whenever I used to see a runner running in cold weather or rain, I would say, look at that crazy guy, wtf is he doing running outside in such weather. Whenever I'd see a group of people running in 30F Chicago cold, I would think what is wrong with these people, why can't sit by the fireplace in their house and enjoy hot chocolate?
Today, I have lost my right to ask such questions, because this morning I ran with a group of Chicago Area Running Association(CARA) runners, in a little rain and under 40F. Let me tell you, its definitely way more fun than sitting at home and sipping hot chocolate. We met up at Chicago Yatch Club at 8:00am. I ran for 5 miles with the 10 min/mile group. We passed by the Shed Aquarium and turned back at the planetarium. The view was awesome, one side was the lake Michigan other side was the breathtaking view of city skyline. At the end of the run, we stretched and went to Corner Bakery Cafe for a hot cup of coffee and some scrambled eggs.
Running outdoors with groups is so much more exciting than running alone on a treadmill. You get to meet new people, know their running aspirations, achievements, injuries and stories. The more I run with other people, the more it appears to me as cult, as a secret society. All this makes getting early on a Saturday morning completely worth it. I think I am addicted (check out the video). -DFG PS: If you are interested in Bike the Drive on May 25, 2008 , try coupon code CAM5B8 while registering to get $3 off .
YAY....I completed my first 10k . I was scared to run this long, since it was at this milestone when I injured myself last year. However, when I saw CARA's training schedule for spring (NORTH SHORE) half marathon, I was already on their week 3 plan. SO...I decided to take it up a notch today, and put aside my fears. I completed the 10k run in 1 hour and 6 minutes. Hopefully, I haven't injured myself. While running I was alright, no pain, but will get to know tomorrow or day after if the ITB issue has come back.
BTW I need to place a hit on Murphy. Since Murphy's Law is always, always true for these people when it comes to rain or snow forecast, I trusted it. Before going out to run today at work, I checked the forecast. It predicted thunderstorm and 70% chance of rain. However, when I looked out, it was cloudy but clouds were not dark enuf, so I thought eh..according to Murphy's Law...since they predicted rain....there is gonna be no rain. (dont believe me.... click on I DON'T BELIEVE MURPHY'S APPLIES TO WEATHER FORECAST.) In the 4th mile of my run, Murphy double crossed me and it started raining, so I had to "run" inside. (I love the pun on the run..haha thats a pun in itself). Anyhoo, I am sick & tired of Murphy's Law. SO, I am gonna call into the "Jesus and pals" tomorrow during south park's new episode and place a hit on Murphy or may be catch God and Jesus at the bar at southpark after the show and see what can be done about this Murphy guy (truely he is getting on my nerves). Waiting impatiently for tomorrow. DFG
Sometimes I take benefit of doubt. I get myself to drink an extra beer on Saturday night coz I will be running on Sunday morning, and then make myself eat an extra pancake right after the Sunday run. Since I convince myself that I am burning extra calories, I get my self into eating more. However, after eating more than I should, I go on a guilt trip. Then to come back from my guilt trip, I use my stats class to prove to myself that 2000 calories a day is just an average. It doesn't tell anything about distribution and median. May be the data is skewed. I start believing that runners "need" more food. I start to defend my extra eating and drinking by believing that coz I ran beyond my goal today I should be merry, I have ran hard to deserve it. I don't know if its OK to be eat, drink and be merry, just coz I am running. I will sleep over it, but first I need to finish this Samosa I have been holding in my hand since I started writing this post.